Approach from Ofgen looks like it could slash your fuel bills but it is all a con

Police and Trading Standards officers have warned about a scam doing the rounds in Lanarkshire involving emails claiming to be from energy regulator Ofgen which are are just a way to extract cash on false pretences

The scam, which has also taken the form of texts and cold calls asks recipients for bank details promising a rebate on utility bills at a point where payment levels are set to soar.

In some cases, it has been stated that the customer’s energy supply has been switched off and that payment is required to restore it.

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A third variation on the scam asks customers to switch their energy supplier to save cash – and then ask for personal and bank details to complete that switch.

Ofgen has stressed that it will not approach members of the public on the doorstep – as this kind of fraud has also been reported in regard to this particular scam.

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